Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Eat my Flesh" - The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard, August 26, 2012

John 6.56-69

It is a custom around the world to welcome people to our homes for gatherings. There are those who excel at making visitors feel at home. We call the skill or talent, hospitality. I have discovered in my tenure here at St. Patrick’s that the people here excel at hospitality. Take, for instance, the many gatherings this summer organized by parishioners either at homes or restaurants that helped us continue to build strong relationships across the parish. I hope that you enjoyed an opportunity to take part in these gatherings and might attend next week’s ice cream social for families with kids

Sunday, August 19, 2012

"Steps" - The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard, August 19, 2012

"Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body."

There is this thing called a Fitbit. I clip it to my belt everyday and have done so for a year and a half. The Fitbit measures the number of steps one takes in a given day. I am not forced to wear a Fitbit, but I do anyway. The actual data is not that important. What I mean is that a physician doesn’t review the data nor do I get special prizes for walking more steps. A trainer doesn’t affirm me when I reach a certain number, but this little device motivates me to take the scenic route or walk up the stairs or to take an evening walk around my neighborhood. The Surgeon General recommends that everybody walk 10,000 steps per day. For some people that is an easy task. For instance, a postal carrier would have no problem getting that many steps by doing his or her job. For a priest (at least this priest), it is more challenging. There are hours in every day when I accumulate only a handful of steps. My average number of steps per day is only 5,000. That means that there are some days when I take a measly 2,500 steps and other days that I get 6,000. And on occasion, I hit the Surgeon General’s goal.