Sunday, April 25, 2010

"Some Assembly Required" - The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard, April 25, 2010

Listen to the Audio File

John 10.22-30, Revelation 7.9-17

Spending some time with furniture parts yesterday at the rummage sale, I recalled purchasing a fine piece of furniture, a desk, many years ago. On the showroom floor, it appeared to be perfect. It had dark, brown wood, swinging doors to hide work when not in use, a sliding tray for the computer keyboard, compartments for everything one might need, and a wonderfully designed printer shelf situated above the computer area. The label said it was an armoire desk. But more important than its look was the drastically reduced price. With excitement, I purchased the desk

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Discern Ministry" - The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard, April 18, 2010

Acts 9.1-20, Revelation 5.11-14, John 21.1-19

It is often the little things that change our lives. From the single person out of billions who crosses our path and transforms the way we live to the books we happen to pick up and read. Every choice changes who we are in some minute way. More often than not, the differences can’t be drawn back to a specific moment or even a series of moments but then sometimes they can. St. John the Divine, the man who experienced a revelation while in exile on Patmos and described it in the last book of the Bible,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Doubt and Believe" - The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard, April 11, 2010

Listen to the Audio File

John 20.19-31

Peace be with you. My name is Kurt Gerhard. Thank you for your prayers as I have transitioned to the St. Patrick’s community and moved to the Washington DC area. I very much look forward to building meaningful relationships with you as we progress together on a path to deepen our spiritual lives. Over the next few months,